
Hey there, my driven friend ❤️‍🔥

If you're here, it's probably because you’ve got an important mission - to overcome stage fright😉

We’ve all felt those nerves before stepping on stage, but stage fright doesn’t have to hold us back. By sharing what works for me, I hope to inspire and help you step into your next performance with confidence.

Read it, and put it to use!

<aside> 🫂 First, let’s get to know each other!

I’m Noelia, a professional horn player with 23 years of experience, a yoga teacher, coach, and mental trainer. I help musicians (and more) on their journey to finding their unique style, enjoying making music, and balancing life ❤️


I regularly perform for hundreds, sometimes thousands of people, and over time, I’ve developed some tactics to overcome anxiety, tap into my full potential, connect with myself and the audience, and truly enjoy making music. Here we go:

  1. Control What I Can and Let Go of What I Can’t.

    I ensure I get good sleep, eat well, stay active, hydrate, and keep my body warm before a performance. If possible, I visit the venue beforehand to get familiar with its acoustics, layout, temperature, and size.

  2. Stick to a Routine While I Wait.

    Waiting can be the most challenging part before going on stage. I keep myself busy with activities like yoga, breathing exercises, or the “Jacobson Technique” to relax my muscles.

  3. Remind Myself That I’m Offering a Gift.

    It’s not about being perfect or avoiding mistakes; it’s about connecting with the audience and telling a story through my music. I trust that I can handle whatever comes up and remind myself to enjoy the moment, knowing it usually flies by. After all, we play to have fun!

    This is just a small part of what works for me! I’ll be sharing more tools at the upcoming event on September 15th—Mindset Reset (Retreat from 1-4 PM at The Sanctuary, Maxvorstadt). For more information and to register, click here

    Now, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected] 🫂❤️